Polyversal (Game With No Miniatures)
Store Link: CEW00009
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Polyversal is a universal 6mm-15mm sci-fi miniatures system designed by Ken Whitehurst and developed by Byron Collins. The Polyversal system works with miniatures you may already have in the 6mm-15mm range and includes a design utility that fully incorporates the game's Combatant Design Rules, allowing you to quickly and easily customize your armies within the rules of the system. The setting is a gritty plausible future with a storyline that promises to capture your imagination while providing endless hours of gaming entertainment.
Product CEW00009 is the boxed Polyversal base game without miniatures and associated hexagonal Combatant Tiles. The boxed set includes everything you need to get started with gameplay- simply add your own miniatures from any line you prefer- and use our Web-based Design Application, Arsenal, to create Combatant Tiles for them. Or, if you already have miniatures featured in Polyversal Battlegroups, consider purchasing Quick Start Tile Packs to get digital or physical versions of the production game tile designs without the miniatures. Make printing your own designs or the digital Quick Start Tile Packs a snap with our Hexagonal Peel-and-Stick printable paper and die cut blanks, CEW00015.
This product is intended for players with an existing collection of compatible 6-15mm sci-fi miniatures. If you're looking for a game that includes miniatures Battlegroups and die-cut combatant Tiles, we also offer:
What is Included?

(Click Image for larger version)
- Printed Rulebook (8.5x11, full color, 172 pages)
- 18 Scenarios with fiction (Electronic Release once available) *expected release as a free supplement Fall 2023*
- 4 Sheets of die-cut circular Orders Tokens
- 2 Sheets of die-cut square Tracking Counters
- 2 Sheets of die-cut square Unit and Other Counters
- 15 Polyhedral Dice (3x each: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, color-coded for Polyversal)
- 2 double-sided Quick Reference Cards
- Arsenal Application for creation of Combatant Tiles (online)
- Telescoping Box
Need Extras?
- Extra Rulebook (printed Rulebook only)
- Extra Dice
- Extra Infantry Bases
- Extra Printed or Digital Combatant Tile Packs
Gameplay Information
Polyversal is intended for use with 6mm scale miniatures, but may be used with larger 10mm or 15mm miniatures if desired. The game uses color-coded polyhedral dice and Combatant Tiles to reflect the combat qualities of your units, their weaponry, attack ability, evasion, effectiveness, and more.
- * A single roll of three color-coded polyhedral dice is used to resolve each attack without the need for re-rolls to determine hits, saves, or damage effects. This makes combat resolution fast and intuitive.
- * Hexagonal Combatant Tiles that you may create and customize in Arsenal to represent miniatures from any line physically arrange together to provide a visual command structure for each Battlegroup you form around a central command unit. With all of the vital information you need on each Combatant Tile, your eyes remain focused on the battlespace, not the rulebook.
- * A sleek initiative-based orders and activation system keeps players continually involved. You don't stare and wait as your opponent has fun- Initiative "face-offs" between Battlegroup Commanders determine the next minis that activate.
- * Scalable gameplay for small, medium, or large sci-fi battles with the included points-based system for Unit Cost and Battlegroup fielding.
Watch an introductory gameplay video:
What Players Say
"A level of crunch in the app to make units, and streamlined gameplay makes it a perfect combination for me." - Lee Sweeney
"Every mini I've been hoarding for 30 years finally has a use!" - Charles Lewis
"Full marks to the Arsenal app, very easy to use. Also the rules allow plenty of variation so models that would have been very similar to other models in other rule sets can be made different in Polyversal" - Tim Snoddy
"The game is quick, it’s tactical and has a great command and control mechanism, so it’s perfect for playing large sci-fi games." - Mike Hobbs Review
"Polyversal has a lot going for it; an engrossing story line and framework for gamers to help build upon and expand, astounding art from Bruno Werneck, a self-contained box set with elegant, streamlined rules that you can put right on the table, and an open system from which you can adopt your own models to, in any timeline you wish." - Review by Maurice Fitzgerald